It's been some time since I last posted something here.
I have to upload some updates, but mean while, I'll show you what I did for the Blender Cookie's snowman contest right here:
3D Character work in progress: Bonzo.
During the past week I've been working on a new blender character to submit it to the Double Happy contest!( look here: ).
I didn't have much time to plan it so I started with the basicidea of a crazy, weird, kinda cute, little monkey.
After making a couple of sketches I came up with this:
I didn't have much time to plan it so I started with the basicidea of a crazy, weird, kinda cute, little monkey.
After making a couple of sketches I came up with this:
The wall tribute- Blender Cycles render.
So after a couple of weeks, it's finally done and I can move on to another project :).
This is actually the first time I make a full architectural/ like render all by myself ( some years ago I followed that famous blender tutorial to create a group of buildings). It's made with Blender 2.59 using the cycles renderer ( I downloaded the latest build from
Blender 2.60 released!
The latest Blender 3D version, (Blender 2.60) was released a couple of days ago. With an impressive Splash Screen, some new features like 3d sound , and lots of fixes, these are definitely good news!. It includes UI translation, and some improvements in the weight painting and animation systems.
Next week's tutorial.
After finishing the guitar tutorial, I've been working on a new Blender tutorial for you. The next one is gonna be on how to create a Martini in Blender, like this one:
It will be ready for Monday, so come back then to watch it.
Wanna be the first to know when it is released?
Electric guitar tutorial ( Part 2)
After a while, finnaly here it is, the second part of the simple Electric Guitar tutorial for Blender 2.5
Cartoon Human rig in progress
New Character: Charlie ! the traffic cone.
I've been working in several project during these days, one of them is this one. Charlie began being just the quickly made cone you saw in the previous post, but he was begging for a mouth to shout with, so I had to give him one.
You are probably gonna see him in a scene soon. :)
You can also follow it's WIP thread on Blender Artists.
You are probably gonna see him in a scene soon. :)
You can also follow it's WIP thread on Blender Artists.
Blender tutorial: Making realistic foam
A couple of days ago I found this great Blender tutorial made by by Derek Watts for Blender Nerd, and uploaded it to Blendernation. It's quite easy to follow if you are an average blender user, and the results look great. I hope you enjoy it.
Creating Foam Blender 2.5 from Blender Nerd on Vimeo.
Original Source:
Creating Foam Blender 2.5 from Blender Nerd on Vimeo.
Original Source:
Self portrait finished!
I'm finally done with this little experiment, so I'm ready to move to the next project . Stay tuned for more news! :)
What i've been up to
During these past weeks I've been working a lot. Besides from all the obligations i have out of the computer, I 've been posting some news at Blendernation, finished my self portrait character project , and started a youtube channel which took all my attention.
You can watch the first video I uploaded here:
I've been having some troubles with the screen recording software, so I still couldn't record the second part of the guitar modelling tutorial, but I hope I'll do it the next week :), this time on Blender 2.57!.
You can watch the first video I uploaded here:
I've been having some troubles with the screen recording software, so I still couldn't record the second part of the guitar modelling tutorial, but I hope I'll do it the next week :), this time on Blender 2.57!.
2D/3D Zeppelin Art
( Cick to see full)
I used a mixed technique on this one.The zeppelin was modelled and rendered in Blender 3D, and the rest of the scene was made in Photoshop. I hope you enjoy it.
I used a mixed technique on this one.The zeppelin was modelled and rendered in Blender 3D, and the rest of the scene was made in Photoshop. I hope you enjoy it.
Cartoonish self portrait WIP
I'm working on a new simple character that seems to be me, i hope you like it. Critics and comments are welcome.
You can follow the Work in Progress at Blender Artists.
You can follow the Work in Progress at Blender Artists.
Blender guitar tutorial
Here you have a new BLENDER TUTORIAL!,
Part 1
Wanna be the first to know when a new tutorial is released?
How to make a simple electric guitar in Blender
Part 1
Wanna be the first to know when a new tutorial is released?
My articles at Turbosquid
I just registered at Turbosquid ( a 3d models selling site) and uploaded a couple of things like these:
Take a look here:
Take a look here:
Quick update: Marianno! new render
During the past days i've been busy doing some blender tests such as hair tests , smoke, cloth etc. and trying to get some freelance job.I have also been working on Marianno and trying to improve his look, this is whayt i got so far:
Comment this!
Comment this!
Short animation Bac#4
Just a short animation i did a while ago for the Blender Animation Contest #4. The idea of the whole animation was to bring the character frome the point A to the point B in less than a minuute in ANY way you wanted, it was the first real animation I made in my life. It has LOTS of fails, but I think it overall doesn't look so bad.
The character rig was provided for the contest by Kioopa, a Blender artists forum user.
Show me the video!COMMENT THIS!
Marianno! New Character
Here i have the first version of a human character i've been working on, it was a whole challenge because i had tu full rig it ( will upload a video on that later) i hope you like it :). You will see more of him soon!.
Quick update: Blender 2.56 quick test.
I'm starting the transition between blender 2.49 as confortable as it is, and blender 2.56, as powerfull asi it is. This is the first thing i got.
You can notice how good is the new raytrace system, and it rendered pretty fast!.
New flash gallery (still in beta)
I'm working on a flash version of my 2D / 3D gallery to make it easier for you to watch all my images. It's still a work in progress, so it has lots of fails, but you can take a look just to have an idea of how it,s gonna be
How to make a Vase in Blender - Blender Tutorial
In this BLENDER TUTORIAL I'll teach you how to make some really good looking old vases in Blender, like the Sintel's ones.
Gallery updated!
I updated my gallery with some new images like this one!
And now you can acces my gallery by clicking on the funny character over there >>>
And now you can acces my gallery by clicking on the funny character over there >>>
Download MY Blender theme for Blender 2.49b
Here you can download my own blender theme, which I like to call redish. As venom GFX made his own purple one, i made this one :).
Fur ball!!
Working on my new blender hair tutorial i discovered that missing on one button can create some VERY interesitng fur balls like this one!
Quick update: Blender tutorials
Here is the list of BLENDER TUTORIALS i'm planning to do during theses days, ask me for more!!.
- Hair in blender.
- Modelling ANYTHING from scratch.
- Modelling a vase in Blender.
- Guitar modelling tutorial.
How to :insert a Flash animation ( .SWF) in BLOGGER
Hi!, today we are gonna see How to insert a .SWF file in BLOGGER in this Flash tutorial you will learn How to embed a flash file in your Blog .
Quick Update: Blendernation news: BLENDER HAIR TUTORIAL
There's a new BLENDER TUTORIAL out there!
Ben writes:
Hair used to be something I really hated having to do in CG, and to this day you’ll see more than a fair share of baldies amongst my works. However with more and more updates to blenders hair tools, it ‘s getting easier (and even fun!) to create characters and creatures with hair. This tutorial/guide covers working with hair particles i n blender, including particle systems, combing/cutting/styling hair, and using the child particle settings.
Take a look at my GALLERY ( New!)
Hey! I made a new section on my DESIGN BLOG for you to see some of my Wip's and Finished Jobs in 2d and BLENDER :)
Take a Look, it's located under the main banner.
Take a Look, it's located under the main banner.
Working on the new look
Hey, as you might have noticed, i'm changing the blog's outlook, so it may be a little unstable for today. I would love to know what do you think about it.
Next task:editing the blog's header.
Update: Blog's Header FINISHED!
Post a Comment!
Update 2: Button finished. Working on a NEW TUTORIAL WEB DESIGN RELATED. :)
It will be ready for tomorrow.
Next task:
Update: Blog's Header FINISHED!
Post a Comment!
Update 2: Button finished. Working on a NEW TUTORIAL WEB DESIGN RELATED. :)
It will be ready for tomorrow.
Quick update: Twitter
Hi, I just created a new Twitter account that you can follow at @luksdm3d so you can know when i update my blog and upload new blender tutorials.
I also made a background for my profile, that you can download here.
I'm planning on start a new series of blender tutorials VERY soon, any ideas for them are welcome!.
I also made a background for my profile, that you can download here.
I'm planning on start a new series of blender tutorials VERY soon, any ideas for them are welcome!.
Blender Artists online again

Sintel 4k : The Durian project releases the 4k version
As if the HD had not been spectacular enough, the Durian team has just released a 4k version of Sintel. So, you may ask yourself “What is so impressive about that?”. The thing is that 4k means a resolution of 4096 x 1744 pixels. Yes; you read well, over 4000 pixels wide. Now that’s impressive. More resolution implies also , more details and an outstanding quality of image.
400 Visitors!
I just realized that i had 400 visitors already in this blog about 3D and Blender, so to celebrate that, the first one to comment on this post will have a surprise award.
Freelance job, 2D and other stuff.
Do you need a banner? a blog? a slideshow gadget? a 3d/2d character for your website? an ilustration? If you do so, ASK ME!I WILL DO IT FOR YOU.
Hi you all , this time, I want to tell you that I'm gonna start accepting any 2D/ 3D job you may have for me in order to improve my freelance carrer as a designer (it maybe the creation of a 3D/2D character, a banner for your website, or anything image related), I would love to see the projects you bring to me , don't matter how easy or hard they are, just ask me. To contact me use the contact! link you have in the right side of your screen, or send me an email at : I ll be waiting :)
Hi you all , this time, I want to tell you that I'm gonna start accepting any 2D/ 3D job you may have for me in order to improve my freelance carrer as a designer (it maybe the creation of a 3D/2D character, a banner for your website, or anything image related), I would love to see the projects you bring to me , don't matter how easy or hard they are, just ask me. To contact me use the contact! link you have in the right side of your screen, or send me an email at : I ll be waiting :)
A new character i'm working On
Just a fast sneak peek of my newest character, it's supposed to be a rocker for a short film i'm planning, hope you like it.
Look, He's happy =)
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